During this online breathwork, yin & fascia therapy training, I invite you to dive deep into your body & the power of the elements, fascia lines and self-healing abilities. The fascia balls will bring you a deep experience within the body, mind & soul. There is no space to walk away from your emotions and disbalance. It is time to feel it, heal it and release it. By breathing, stretching deeply and using self massage techniques.
Experience deep stillness is what happens when using the fascia balls.
About yin & fascia therapy
Fascia is an important part of the body that is increasingly coming to the fore. Fascia holds the whole body together.
Previously it was often thought that emotional stagnation arose in the muscles, this turns out to be different. The fascia, the pack in which our organs, muscles, joints and bones are held together, is where chronic pain arises and is held. Not just because of emotional stagnation. But also trauma, injuries, operations and scars create a lot of imbalance in the body. This is because unhealthy fascia is thickened, stiff and causes the physical system to adapt. In the end, this creates even more blockages in the body. This again expresses itself emotionally and so the circle is complete, and you keep turning in the vicious circle.
What you learn in the yin & fascia therapy training
We can solve these complaints with specific massage techniques, yoga postures and breathing exercises. The solution is closer to ourselves than we think.
We use fascia balls for this. This allows us to resolve emotional and physical stagnation. Or you learn to better deal with permanent injuries. By often giving this space.
During this training, you will experience deep relaxation and stillness. We will work on the fascia lines, meridians (Chinese medicine) and the use of fascia balls on the specific fascia lines. You will receive a set of 2 fascia balls at your home.
For who is the yin & fascia therapy training?
This training is interesting for yoga teachers, breathwork coaches, acupuncturists, massage therapists and any other therapist who works with the body, mind & soul, people with chronic pain complaints, tension complaints, emotional blockages and anyone who wants to learn more about this method.
My Dutch (online) yin & fascia course was often followed by yoga teachers, breath workers, massage therapists and acupuncturists who wanted to discover more about the power and addition of fascia balls in a yin practice. They use this in their studio or practice in addition to the lessons and treatments they already give. Super valuable. But also individuals who are not teachers can follow the training.
Cost training: €397,-
√ Starting on the 5th of March
√ video’s with information about the meridians and fascia lines + practices
on the online course platform becomes available after the course
√ handouts with information about yin yoga meridians and fascia lines
√ e-book Relax your vagus nerve with yin & fascia therapy
√ hand-out with sequence
Reviews from previous attendees
Samantha – Dear Joyce, thank you for your great lessons during the Retreat weekend in Zeeland. I got some nice YinYoga lessons from you. My first experience with the massage / connective tissue balls. It was sometimes intense, but afterwards very relaxed and nice. Your music was beautiful and you have knowledge and convey it well. You have inspired me and I would recommend your classes to everyone! Love, Samantha
Samantha – De Reiki Coach
Kyra – I have experienced the workshop as very pleasant. Firstly, Joyce gives a clear explanation about the meridians and fascia lines. She also explains what fascia therapy can mean for you. Then you will practice with different yin postures in combination with. The fascia balls. Some poses you do first without the balls and then with so that you can really experience the difference. For each posture, it is explained which fascia lines and meridians you stimulate with this and which emotions are associated with this. You will receive a handout to take home so that you can easily continue to practice it at home.
I benefit a lot from the yin and fascia therapy, I noticed this after the first time. I have noticed that both physical and emotional blockages are being released. In the past I suffered from chronic pain from adhesions. I am very happy that the intensity of my pain has decreased. Moreover, I experience more space in my body. I also notice that my body as a whole feels less stiff and tense. I feel that everything has started to flow better, and my body has become more flexible. In other words, I highly recommend the workshop!
Marije Roozendaal – The workshop is really a valuable addition as a yoga teacher.
I use the fascia balls regularly during the practice, and I am really impressed with the effect.
Irma – I have experienced the workshop and effect as very in-depth. The reaction in the body on the right and left can be felt very differently. The flow of chi is longer, more intense and continuously changing. A warm bath. Openness in the group. A nice way of explanation and interaction by Joyce. I grant this experience to every yin practitioner or teacher. I went home with a bag full of balls to use in my classes.
Lauretta – What a great and educational workshop. As a breath coach, this is an extra tool that I can use to guide clients even better. Also, very nice for myself during my own yoga exercises. Joyce’s feedback on the assignments is nice and constructive.
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