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dreaming pregnant
Mind Woman

Dreaming While Pregnant: What Do Your Dreams Mean?

Pregnancy is a transformative journey, both physically and emotionally. It’s no surprise that during this period, many women experience vivid and sometimes unusual dreams. If you find yourself ‘dreaming pregnant’ with strange, emotional, or symbolic visions, you’re not alone. These dreams often reflect subconscious thoughts, hopes, and fears about the upcoming changes in life.

pregnancy naussea remedies
Body Motherhood Woman

Natural Remedies for Pregnancy Nausea: Finding Relief the Safe Way

Morning sickness, or pregnancy nausea, is a common experience for many expectant mothers. While it’s usually a sign of a healthy pregnancy, the discomfort can be overwhelming. Fortunately, there are natural and effective ways to manage nausea and make this journey more comfortable. Here are some tried-and-true remedies to help ease pregnancy-related nausea. 1. Ginger: …

Blog Body Mind Woman

Ceremonial cocoa during pregnancy

Are you pregnant and wondering if it is safe to drink and eat ceremonial cocoa during your pregnancy? Nowadays, many advices are given about what you can and cannot eat during pregnancy. You can safely consume raw cocoa during your pregnancy. Not too much. But this is the advice for all kind of food. For ceremonial cacao, I always advise keeping it special for a ceremony. You can read more about it in this blog.