Spica is my favorite yoga clothing brand. It is durable, feels light and like a second skin, and the owner is very compassionate about her brand. For me it is important I can use the clothes for more than 1,2 years or maybe more. This is the only brand which I could wear longer than 2 years. A big shout out for this brand. With my code ‘yinwithjoyce‘ you will receive 15% discount on your order at Shop Spica.

Balinese Ceremonial Cacao, Healthy Spices & Herbs
Craft a perfect pure cacao drink for your daily rituals & cacao ceremonies. Working directly with local farmers, we help you discover the deep Balinese traditions, health benefits & positive effects of cacao.

Pure Essential Oils
Since 2018 I work with the brand Young Living. Pure essential oils which I use in my sessions to deepen meditations, yoga practices and breathwork. But also in my home I use the cleaning products, and body & face products. On my personal Young Living page, you can select your starterkit and start today with your low tox lifestyle.

Ceremonial Cacao
Pure Kakaw provides a beautiful product of ceremonial cacao I love to work with during my ceremonies. Online and live in groups. I highly recommend their ceremonial cacao for personal use and during healing ceremonies.

Hoop des Bois
Salomé from Hoop des Bois is a Vintage Photographer which I love to work with. She will capture beautiful moments in pictures during our (feminine) day retreats, mom & baby yoga with photoshoots (Séance photo et yoga pour maman et bébé), and more. She also creates beautiful artwork. Take a look on her website for more information: www.hoopdesbois.com
Upcoming events:
At the website below, we share events for mothers and feminine entrepreneurs in the Lot: www.femmeetlune.fr