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Embracing Spirit Animals: A Guide to Finding Support and Guidance

Welcome to a journey of mystical discovery and personal growth, where we delve into the world of spirit animals. These fascinating entities can provide profound insight and help you navigate life’s challenges with their unique wisdom. I am dedicated to help individuals uncover the hidden layers of their existence and empower their spiritual journey. In this blog, I will explain what spirit animals are, how they reveal themselves, and the ways they can support you in your everyday life.

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Moon Sign explained in Vedic Astrology

Astrology has been practiced for centuries by cultures around the world, providing insights into various aspects of life. In Vedic Astrology, the Moon holds a special significance as it represents our emotional state, mind, and subconscious. The Moon sign, as determined by the position of the Moon at the time of your birth, reveals valuable information about your personality, emotions, and how you relate to others. Let’s delve deeper into understanding the Moon Sign and its importance in Vedic Astrology.

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The effect of stress on connective tissue and fascia

The fascia is a three-dimensional connective tissue structure that, like blood vessels, nerves and the lymphatic system, forms a continuous whole in the human body. It is part of the human connective tissue in which stress and tension can be built up. Fascia permeates and surrounds all organs, muscles, bones and nerve fibers, also known as the connective tissue. It connects our body as a flexible whole from our toes to our crown. Fluidity, which provides the ability to reduce pain and stimulate flexibility.

Geen categorie Moon

New Moon in Libra, September 25th

The New Moon is in Libra on September 25. New Moon is always a phase in which we turn back inwards to feel where we are and what new intentions you want to set for the coming time. It requires deep inner work and self-reflection. During the beginning of autumn, a great moment to feel what you want to let go of. In this blog, you can read what the energy of the new moon in September means to you.

Geen categorie Moon

Full Moon in Pisces on the 10th of September

The full moon will be in the water sign of Pisces on September 10, 2022, at 11:58 AM CET. The water sign Pisces is related to your emotions and feelings. Pisces are dreamers by nature. Emotional people in whom the feeling of the world around them is always based on their intuition. During this full moon, it is important to reflect on what you feel and how you react to the world around you. What do you notice about this? What else would you like to see? In this article, you can read more about the full moon in Pisces and how you can balance your energy.

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Health benefits of raw cacao

Raw cacao is increasingly used during ceremonies and rituals. as a connecting factor. To open the heart. Get closer to yourself. But in addition to this spiritual interpretation, raw cocoa also has many health benefits and can easily be used in everyday life. For example, it contains many positive substances for the brain. Magnesium which helps the body to relax. And a number of other interesting health benefits. You can read more about it in this blog.

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The pelvis and the creative power

We unconsciously store a lot of tension in the pelvic area. The place where for women the source of creation of life is located. But also for men, this area is a place of creation. energetic. Tension settles in this area when we don’t move enough, adopt wrong postures, experience emotional blockages. But also physical discomfort through trauma, injury, etc. creates a blockage in creativity, energy and relaxation. In this blog you can read more about the connection between the pelvic area and the creative ability.

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Giving menstrual blood back to mother earth

The menstrual cup is increasingly becoming an emerging product among women. It ensures less waste and hygiene is also better. I also recommend the menstrual cup after the Rite of the Womb. A ritual that has been passed on from woman to woman for years. The menstrual cup can provide support in returning menstrual blood to mother earth. Are you reading that correctly? Yes. When you give menstrual blood back to mother earth, this has a healing effect. Read more about it in this blog.