New Moon in Pisces is approaching. On February 20, 2023, the new moon is in the water sign Pisces. During this new moon in Pisces, you are invited to turn inward and sink into deep feeling. What intention do you want to set for this new moon? What do you dream of? Pisces are dreamers and you may also feel big dreams inside. How do you give space to this? In this blog, you can read more about the new moon in fish and associated rituals.
New Moon in Pisces on 2 March 2022
On March 2, the new moon shifts to the water sign of Pisces. Pisces are dreamers. It’s the perfect time to turn inward and connect with the bigger picture. What’s going on around you? How do you want to be part of this? It is a period in which you can face your fears and take new steps from there. Turn your fear into strength. That brings you magic in life.