Do you want to learn how to integrate Essential oils in your daily life? For personal use or in your practice? Then this Aroma Therapy Guidance is for you.
My name is Joyce Mol, and as a Yoga & Breathwork Teacher, I use the essential oils from Young Living for many years now. In my home for cleaning, personal use by physical and emotional disbalance, during my yoga, breathwork & meditation sessions. My clients always love the smell of the aromas when I use it during practices and workshops. It brings them deeper in their meditative practice, for self massage it brings something extra. It is exactly how I got to know essential oils. During massage sessions and yoga therapy. But nowadays, I also use it for my skin, sore muscles, emotional support and many other reasons
Essential oils can be used for many themes and helps to calm the mind. But can also work very transformational by using specific essential oils. It works on a mental, physical and spiritual level.
If you are a therapist, you can use essential oils in your classes and private sessions to deepen the practice of your client. I always advise learning to work with the essential oils yourself first. For personal use. Feel which aromas are your favorite and start integrating this slowly in your classes, workshops and 1:1 sessions.
How I work with Aroma Therapy:
Personal aroma therapy advice session
I can guide you in a personal advice session for €90.00. This can be a session in which a specific theme or physical complaint will be discussed. You will receive an oil roller, which I make from the oils based on your needs. If you want to order oils yourself, you will receive guidance and instructions in how you can set up your own account. This session can take place online or live here in my home in the Lot, France.
Group Aroma Therapy Workshop
- Which oils can be used for which chakra’s
- How to integrate oils in meditations
- How to choose a theme and an oil
- Information about Young Living and the Essential Reward Program
- How to use essential oils in your home
- How to clean with essential oils
How to book an Aroma Therapy session or group workshop?
- Email for a personal session or a request for a group session. Group sessions can be given in your home or in my home.
- Want to start your journey directly in your home?
Order your starter kit here via Young Living (choose the diffuser you love the most) – you will receive 12 basic oils with the starter kit. This will be the basis of the training. Later you can order more oils if you like.
Costs after the workshop
- Price for a starter kit varies between €150.00 and €300.00 depending on the diffuser you choose. I started with a dewdrop diffuser. Later I bought a lantern for in my studio as well. And I have the Feather owl for my little one. But start with one you love.
- You will earn points each order you place which you can use for free oils and products with essential oils.