The diaphragm is an important muscle located at the bottom of the rib cage and helps with breathing. In addition to the physical aspect, the […]
Full Moon in Leo 16 February 2022
On February 16, the full moon will be in Leo at 5:56 PM. A good moment to reflect on the successes you have achieved in this lunar cycle. By standing still in gratitude, you will experience more and more appreciation in life. Full moon is a perfect time for this. At the same time, you can also silently feel within yourself what you want to let go of. What no longer resonates? What have you successfully completed? To do this, take the space to reflect.
The power of your own breathing rhythm
Every human has a unique breathing rhythm. This is linked to the person you are. From the rhythm you have. This is also the reason why many people suffer from hyperventilation, panic attacks and a disturbed breathing rhythm. When you try to sail along to the rhythm of someone else, have to perform under pressure or due to trauma, your breathing rhythm gets upset. When this happens on a regular basis or when you get stuck in it, your body gets used to this and you get into a vicious circle. In this blog I will tell you more about the power of your natural breathing rhythm and why it is so important to reconnect with your own breathing rhythm.