The women’s line consists of the women who came before you – but also the female children who come after you. It can be extremely powerful to connect with the energy from your own women’s line. However, you may also carry trauma and sadness with you from one of the women in the women’s line before you. This is called the Mother Wound. You can read how to heal this in this blog.
The women who stand behind you in the women’s line
The Mother Wound can be caused by the women who stand behind you in the women’s line. These are your mother, your grandmother, your great-grandmother and so on. When patterns have arisen in their system from fear, trauma and suppression of the feminine energy, this also has an effect on you. We unconsciously carry pain and patterns from the women’s line. The Mother Wound can heal when the woman in the women’s line chooses to deal with this pain and heal it.
Healing the Mother Wound
This can be a profound process and affect the entire women’s line. The women who came before us lived in a time when hard work was normal. The masculine world was set in motion. Women were oppressed for years. And with that, the women’s energy was put on a painful pedestal.
We now live in a time when the feminine energy is given more space and many women are working to heal the Mother Wound. Bethany Webster wrote a book about this. You can delve into methods that can help you heal the Mother Wound. A number of methods that can contribute are the Rite of the Womb, family constellations and family tree research.
Rite of the Womb to Heal the Mother Wound
One of the rituals that can contribute to healing the Mother Wound is the Rite of the Womb. A ritual originating from the jungle that has been passed on from woman to woman for centuries. It helps to release old pain and sadness from the womb. And thus also to clean up the women’s line.
Did you know that when your mother was growing in your grandmother’s belly, you were already there? So you can see how the Mother Wound and the women’s line are deeply connected. I recorded this ritual myself. You can do my Full Moon Cacao & Rite of the Womb Ceremony during every full moon. At your desired time.
You can also book a Private Divine Feminine Retreat with me in the South of France. During this retreat we will work with the feminine energy, you will receive the rite of the womb live. I also work with tantric feminine breathwork, yin yoga and fascia therapy. Supported with sound healing from crystal bowls and a tongue drum.
Taking your own place
To heal your mother wound, it is important to take your own place. By letting go of the pain and fear that you unconsciously carry with you from the women’s line, you arrive at your own essence. It requires deep inner work from yourself. To honestly look at where the pain comes from. What’s not yours? Because by taking your own place, you can heal the mother wound for future generations.