
Follow my New Moon Cacao, Yin Yoga & Tantric Breathwork Ceremony during this New Moon to connect with your inner essence. You will receive the recording on the 10th of March in the morning around 8AM and can follow the class in your own time.

During the first New Moon Cacao, Yin Yoga & Tantric Breathwork Ceremony, you will experience a deep journey inwards. Cacao supports in opening your heart. Yin Yoga will help you to release emotions and pain from the connective tissue. And Tantric Breathwork will support you in breathing more deeply and release pain and trauma from the pelvis and womb space.

The breath is our most intelligent healing tool. During the session, I love to guide you towards your natural breathing rhythm. And let you experience breathing techniques which you can use to ground deeply within your body. Arriving home in your base will guide you towards self-confidence, happiness, joy and your feminine essence.

The Tantric Breathwork excercise can also be called as a feminine breathing exercise to create more space and relaxation in the pelvis and womb.

You can order your ceremonial cacao at Pure Kakaw’s website before the ceremony starts. Or buy it at an ecoshop in your hometown. I will share a recipe before the ceremony starts.

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Follow my New Moon Cacao, Yin Yoga & Tantric Breathwork Ceremony during this New Moon to connect with your inner essence. You will receive the recording on the 10th of March in the morning around 8AM and can follow the class in your own time.

During the first New Moon Cacao, Yin Yoga & Tantric Breathwork Ceremony, you will experience a deep journey inwards. Cacao supports in opening your heart. Yin Yoga will help you to release emotions and pain from the connective tissue. And Tantric Breathwork will support you in breathing more deeply and release pain and trauma from the pelvis and womb space.

The breath is our most intelligent healing tool. During the session, I love to guide you towards your natural breathing rhythm. And let you experience breathing techniques which you can use to ground deeply within your body. Arriving home in your base will guide you towards self-confidence, happiness, joy and your feminine essence.

The Tantric Breathwork excercise can also be called as a feminine breathing exercise to create more space and relaxation in the pelvis and womb.

You can order your ceremonial cacao at Pure Kakaw’s website before the ceremony starts. Or buy it at an ecoshop in your hometown. I will share a recipe before the ceremony starts.

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