Every lunar cycle starts with a new moon. On May 30, 2022, it will be a new moon in Gemini at 1:30 PM. New moon is the period when it is best to turn inward to feel what intentions you want to set for this new moon cycle. No action yet. But feeling and let it come to you which desires you have and which space you want to create to express this. No action yet. But really consciously turning inwards and feeling. In this blog you can read more about the energy of this new moon in gemini and which rituals you can best do for this.
7 ways to practice self-love & nourishing yourself
Self-love is about going deeply inwards and loving yourself just the way you are. It has to do with self-esteem, in other words: do you believe you are good the way you are? What thoughts do you have about yourself? Can you say that you love yourself and therefore take good care of yourself? In this blog I will share some activities you can do to nourish yourself and look deeply inside.