Every lunar cycle starts with a new moon. On May 30, 2022, it will be a new moon in Gemini at 1:30 PM. New moon is the period when it is best to turn inward to feel what intentions you want to set for this new moon cycle. No action yet. But feeling and let it come to you which desires you have and which space you want to create to express this. No action yet. But really consciously turning inwards and feeling. In this blog you can read more about the energy of this new moon in gemini and which rituals you can best do for this.

The Significance of the Gemini Zodiac Sign During New Moon

Gemini are interesting types when it comes to communication. They are intelligent, charming, witty, energetic and smart. There is always a need for change. A new moon is therefore also a powerful moment to create space for those changes. This leaves space for new and development.

On the other hand, gemini’s also have temperaments and can sometimes use lies for their own benefit. Or they find it difficult to hurt people and decide to display avoid discussions or expressing their own feelings.

This new moon calls for space for new. But also for clear communication. This is good for you and the people around you. Clarity and transparency also creates a clear energy in body and mind.

You can do various rituals to also create clarity in your desires. Gemini are types who can be busy with anything and everything. Feeling what your focus is ensures that you know better where your energy is going. This also includes the invitation to sink into silence and do a ritual for yourself.

Rituals to do during the new moon

Cocoa & Breathwork Ceremony

New Moon is a great time to open up to your desires. During a cocoa ceremony we tune in to heart desires and we take space to ground deeply. You can come to yourself in love and feel in peace what your desires are. By feeling and expressing these with confidence, space and clarity are created for them. On May 30th at 8 pm I will be giving a New Moon, Cocoa, Breath, Yin & Intention Ceremony online via zoom.

During the New Moon Cacao, Breath, Yin & Intention Class I will take you on a heart opening journey within. With ceremonial cocoa we open this class to awaken the spirit of mother nature within ourselves. Raw ceremonial cocoa supports the practice of an open heart. In which we can find deep love for ourselves and everything around us. It will support you to attract what you desire in your life.

You can participate in the ceremony with your cup of raw cocoa or a cup of tea. You can buy raw cocoa at the eco store in your area or order it from Cacamo Cacao, for example.


Take the time to create clarity in your thoughts by journaling. Journaling gives you the space to write freely from your heart. Without being held back by limiting thoughts. What would you do if anything was possible? What desires do you have? Write this down without stopping for 10 minutes.

You can also download the Moon Phase Yin Yoga E-book. This contains journal practices for each moon phase. The e-book contains information about the moon phases, yin yoga, meridians and writing assignments. You can use these again during each lunar cycle.

Meditate and create space to breathe consciously

Especially now during the new moon is a good time to start meditating. When your thoughts are going in all directions, it can be nice to consciously connect with your breath. Your breath is the connection between body and mind and helps you to connect with your heart and desires.

Read or learn something new

Have you wanted to read a book or learn something new for a long time? Make room and time for this now. When you’re feeling distracted, your thoughts can be everywhere. Except for what you actually want to focus on. Give yourself the space to finally read that book or learn something new. Consciously schedule moments for this. And also communicate it to the people around you that this is equally important to you right now. In principle, you do not have to justify yourself. But it can create clarity if you don’t have time for other people / things right now.

Connect with your tribe

By connecting with your tribe you often get into the flow you want to be in. Become aware of the people you interact with. And whether this contributes to your focus. Gemini are social types. And can therefore be working on 1001 things at the same time. This new moon asks you to focus on what your heart desires. This also applies to the people around you. This could be your family. Your partner. But you can also make conscious choices in this regard in the field of friendship.

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