On June 14, at 1:51 PM, the moon will shift back to full. A full supermoon. Also called a Strawberry Full Super Moon. This full moon is about awakening your greatness. Your potential. And actually seeing it. The supermoon is visible and closer to Earth. You too can make visible what your qualities are. This can cause tension. But know that this will also give you strength. You can show yourself as you are. Without layers. Your pure essence.

Sagittarius and the Qualities

Sagittarians are studious types. Originally they want to know how everything works. This full moon asks you to open up to your passion. What lights your fire. This is the time to take some space for yourself. Just ask yourself questions. What can you let go of to make your fire burn even more? There may be room for it.

Just as we move towards summer, the fire element, it is the time for this.

Letting go

Full Moon is known for letting go of what we no longer need. A process that is sometimes accompanied by pain, goodbye and sadness. But know that after letting go there is room. Room for you. Room for your desires, fire, appearance.

Online Full Moon Cocoa & Rite of the Womb Ceremony

On June 14, I, Joyce Mol, will give a Full Moon Cacao & Rite of the Womb Ceremony online via zoom. This is a powerful ritual that helps you remember who you really are. The rite of the womb is an ancient ritual passed down from woman to woman. Unconsciously we carry patterns with us that hinder us in being your powerful true self. Now is the time to remind yourself of your power. Your strength. During this ritual I will take you with me. And I pass on the rite too. It is even more powerful to do this ritual during a full moon.

This ceremony consists of:
– Cocoa Ceremony
– Sharing
– Rite of the Womb Ritual
– Inner journey
– Closing and Passing on the Rite

You can register here,


If you prefer to work and learn more about the moon and living by her rhythms, you might like my Moon Phase Yin Yoga E-book.

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