Discover your inner fire through your core values

Summer is a great time to rediscover your inner fire. In summer, the fire element takes center stage. This is connected to passion, feeling connected to the people around you or just rediscovering them. Having a clear understanding of your core values ​​supports you in this. You can read more about it in this blog.

Full super moon in Sagittarius on June 14, 2022

On June 14, at 1:51 PM, the moon will shift back to full. A full supermoon. Also called a Strawberry Full Super Moon. This full moon is about awakening your greatness. Your potential. And actually seeing it. The supermoon is visible and closer to Earth. You too can make visible what your qualities are. This can cause tension. But know that this will also give you strength. You can show yourself as you are. Without layers. Your pure essence.

April 1, New Moon in Aries

s a time when you are allowed to turn inwards to feel and observe which direction you want to go in the coming lunar cycle. A period of contemplation, reflection and feeling. The New Moon in Aries is a time when your temperament can come out. Try to soften this. To go into feeling so that you can choose from your intuition. In this blog you can read more about the energy of the New Moon in Aries around April 1.

Full Moon in Leo 16 February 2022

On February 16, the full moon will be in Leo at 5:56 PM. A good moment to reflect on the successes you have achieved in this lunar cycle. By standing still in gratitude, you will experience more and more appreciation in life. Full moon is a perfect time for this. At the same time, you can also silently feel within yourself what you want to let go of. What no longer resonates? What have you successfully completed? To do this, take the space to reflect.