Enter the fire within… 

When I close my eyes, 

To feel my breath

To feel my body

To enter the fire within me. 

I feel who I really am. 

I feel at home. 

Within me. 

Without any doubt I can feel.

All my cells. 

All the vibrations of the cells. 

All the emotions that arise. 

All the feelings that are there. 

In me. 

With me. 

It awakens my fire. 

It awakens who I am and may be. 

Without any doubt. 

My breath is my anchor and the source of the fire within me. 

My breath supports me to move, flow, be and do nothing. 

My breath supports me to feel within what I need. 

What my soul wants. 

What the fire within me wants. 

It brings me back to passion. 

Back to the fire within. 

Take some time to close your eyes. And feel. 

What is it that makes your fire burn? 

To be in full connection with YOU. 

Only when you are YOU, with all your senses, emotions, and way of breathing, you will attract the people who can FLOW in your energy. 

Your breath is giving you the life. 

Movement gives you the stream to flow and enter the fire within.

Your heart is the gate to the deepest emotions within you. Where you can be purely YOU. 

It’s my heart that wants to speak. 

It’s my soul that wants to flow. 

It’s my body that wants to move.

It is all within me. 

When I feel I am on the right path. 

When I think… I can be distracted. 

But when I FEEL and GROUND. The Heart and Thinking will be on one line and flow fluently. 

It’s all that I am. In this life. In what I can bring. With peace. With Fire. With Love. 

Sometimes with too much fire. To bring it back to neutral. To the fire within myself. 

It’s the element of this season. Fire. It’s the element of summer. But it will always be here. In connection with the cycle of the elements water, wood, earth and metal. 

Fire brings me joy. 

Fire brings me pleasure. 

Fire brings me strength. 

Fire brings me softness with deep loving emotions. 

Fire brings me passion. 

All is within. With trust and LOVE. 

Are you curious to enter the fire within you? 

Join me on a beautiful journey within. Where you can feel. The fire within you. The peace of fluent language of the heart. The openness and oneness of your soul. 

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