The breath is our only natural tool that can lead us to healing and relief. It is the only natural tool and part of us that stands by us every second. Together with the heart. Sometimes we forget that the breath belongs to us. That we may listen to it. The inner healing journey you can make with your breath is magical. In this blog I will tell you how to become aware of your breath again.
Follow your own breathing rhythm
After doing several yoga teacher trainings, movement therapy trainings and breathing courses I realized that it is all bringing us back to our own breathing rhythm. Movement. Breathing. Releasing. The rhythm that I was searching for years. When I was younger. In my revalidation period after my car accident and nowadays still in all the information, activities and exercises that is coming to us. The most important thing is connecting with who you really are. With your emotions. With your feelings. With your core values. Connecting with your own breathing rhythm and keep following this rhythm.
Enter the fire within…
Enter the fire within… When I close my eyes, To feel my breath To feel my body To enter the fire within me. I feel […]