On April 1, the moon will shift into its new moon phase in Aries at 8:27 AM. New Moon is a time when you are allowed to turn inwards to feel and observe which direction you want to go in the coming lunar cycle. A period of contemplation, reflection and feeling. The New Moon in Aries is a time when your temperament can come out. Try to soften this. To go into feeling so that you can choose from your intuition. In this blog you can read more about the energy of the New Moon in Aries around April 1.

Meaning of the constellation Aries during the New Moon

Between March 21 and April 19, the constellation Aries is in the light. The New Moon in Aries on April 1st is a time when the fervor of Aries can be felt. What do you want to use your fervor for? And where can you soften?

By first softening and going into feeling, you take the space to observe what needs attention for you now. How do you want to create for your passion with ease?

Aries are enthusiastic, active, confident and honest in the positive sense. They are also adventurous, courageous, powerful and sporty.

The dark side of Aries is that they can be hot-tempered, rushed, stubborn, selfish and impatient.

Therefore, during this New Moon, take time to soften. Move towards feeling. You can do this in different ways. For example, by meditating or practicing yoga. But swimming can also be enlightening. Fiery types cool with water.

Want to learn more about living with the moon phases? Order my Moon Phase Yin Yoga E-book or my Journal.

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