The fascia is a three-dimensional connective tissue structure that, like blood vessels, nerves and the lymphatic system, forms a continuous whole in the human body. It is part of the human connective tissue in which stress and tension can be built up. Fascia permeates and surrounds all organs, muscles, bones and nerve fibers, also known as the connective tissue. It connects our body as a flexible whole from our toes to our crown. Fluidity, which provides the ability to reduce pain and stimulate flexibility.

What stress and connective tissue do for humans

Almost 70% of the fascia consists of fluid (bound water). The fascia has an elastic structure. A healthy connective tissue can convert this elasticity into strength. An unhealthy connective tissue is stiff and causes pain and annoying long-term tension.

Because the fascia is a whole that connects our entire body, we can use the fascia to influence other pressure points. For example, if you have pain in your neck, it can be good to massage the lower back with a fascia ball. This can reduce the pain in the neck. This is because the fascia is a whole. If pressure is applied to another point, space is created in the elastic area again, which is stiff.

The influence of Yin Yoga on stressed connective tissue

From yin yoga, we speak about meridians. It has now been proven that the meridians run along the same paths as the fascia and that also explains why yin yoga can have a good influence on pain, stiff muscles and stress. Yin Yoga has a long-term impact on healthy fascia and flexibility of your body.

Many exercise experts say that the body is made up of separate parts. But from the anatomy that focuses on the fascia, it appears that the reality of our body comes together more into a whole.

The fascia provides:
– Mechanical support, stability and flexibility
– Defense against toxic and foreign substances
– Metabolism between blood and organs
– Force transfer to surrounding structures
– Force conduction through ligaments or tendons
– Protection against pressure
– Separating structures

The difference between yin yoga and yang yoga

As you can see in the picture on the left, the connective tissue is a connective tissue that connects all joints and bones. It connects us from head to toe. With yin yoga, we work on the deeper connective tissue (the connective tissue). With yang yoga, we work muscle strengthening and we will stimulate the muscles.

By staying in an attitude for longer, we cause ‘stress’ in the connective tissue. This stress/stimulation is necessary to get the connective tissue moving again. We relax the muscle groups around it during this stimulation. At rest, we work on flexibility.

Ultimately, we need both forms. Yang can be in the form of yoga, but also in the form of running, swimming, rollerblading, etc. Yin Yoga is an additional form of yoga to keep the connective tissue healthy. It’s a different story if you’ve been inactive for a while.

If you are inactive, this affects the binding quality of the water in the connective tissue. Room is then made for dehydration, and this stimulates the aging process. That is precisely why it is good for people who perform a lot of sedentary work and for the elderly to continue doing exercises that stimulate the fascia. Stagnant connective tissue is encapsulated and will become increasingly stiff. It is therefore logical that if you perform a lot of sedentary work and move too little, your connective tissue causes pain.

Yin yoga can also offer a good solution if you suffer from whiplash. Gentle movements, made possible in yin yoga, can contribute to full recovery.

In addition, I can also recommend it to anyone who has stress-related complaints in the form of burnout, PTSD, fear of commitment, fear of abandonment and all other forms of fear.

The fascia, connective tissue and emotions

The fascia is the deeper tissue that your emotions will work on if you don’t express them or don’t take them seriously. It is often said that if you have sore shoulders, you have a lot on your shoulders. That is literally true. Your emotions that you don’t express get stuck in the connective tissue. By moving it, your thoughts and emotions also get moving.


To stimulate the fascia, you can use a fascia ball or a foam roller. By activating the muscles and connective tissue with these aids, you bring more flexibility and the muscles and connective tissue become more mobile. This is often used when muscles are stuck, and you cannot get the tension out immediately or with exercises. In addition, it is a nice method to massage yourself with an aid. Sometimes it can be a bit painful at first, but you will notice that over time the mobility improves and the pain decreases.

Do you want to discover more about this? Then participate in the online yin & fascia therapy workshop. In this, you will discover what fascia therapy can do for you.

Are you dutch? I also developed an online yin & fascia therapy course in dutch for therapists. And a masterclass in Dutch which you can follow at any time.

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