Do you find yourself often distracted or looking for distraction? Are you constantly distracted from what you have to do? Then you suffer from procrastination. It is very easy to get distracted these days. Through social media, through activities that pop up everywhere and nowhere. Books, videos and so on. But how do you keep your focus on yourself? How do you ensure that you do what is important to you? Letting go of FOMO and having a clear plan will help you with this. In this blog I will give you some tips to stop procrastination.
6 Tips to Stop Procrastination
1. Explore your core values
What is important to you can often be subsumed into core values. Personal, work, friends, travel, family, relationships, fun activities etc. Examine your core values to determine your focus. In my 1:1 guidance sessions we discover your core values and how you can align your life with your values. I do this with breath work, movement and value journaling practices. Making is SMART and clear so you can take the right steps into a lighter life with your core values and love in mind.
2. Investigate what continuously distracts you
Today, many people get distracted by social media. Activities that pop up everywhere and nowhere and especially the feeling of FOMO (FEAR OF MISSING OUT). But is that really so? Do you really miss that? Or is it a distraction that does not appear in your core values list? Make choices for yourself. What do you want to do less? What are you running into? For example, limit your social media behavior. And make a clear plan when you go here. If necessary, set a timer on your apps. This also applies to answering e-mail. Answering your e-mail once or twice a day is sufficient.
3. Make a plan
When you have a clear focus from your core values, you can start making a plan. Process this planning in your agenda. These are tasks from your work. But especially from your personal life. Do you want to exercise more or go to yoga more often? Then make sure that this is the first space in your agenda. This is a non-negotiable. This means that you don’t discuss this with yourself or others if “distraction” or something else comes in between. You should do this to feel more comfortable in your own skin. Stick to this plan. You can also safely tell people around you that you have a certain focus and don’t want to deviate from it. Above all, don’t feel guilty about it.
4. Schedule reflection moments
I myself work with a year plan in which I process the entire planning from start to finish. From personal soul goals, to mood board, desired customer, products, prices, annual turnover, number of sales, finance planning (personal & business) and results. This gives me a very clear overview of which steps I want to make throughout the year. I easily link actions to this. Being practical brings a lot of clarity in what you want to do. But above all, it also takes you further. I have been working with this method for several years now, and it doubles my turnover every year. It also makes me happy to see the growth. Not just in turnover. But also especially on a personal level. I green what personal goals I had. This can be from ‘spending more time with my partner, family and friends’ to more moments for myself (spa, wellness, massage, beach etc.). The latter is the most important. This is my key to stop procrastination.
5. Look at the people closest to you
You cannot remain friends with the whole world. Choose who is closest to you. And make sure you build a strong relationship with it. These are the people you can rely on the most and fall back on. But also where you can ask for help. The 5 people you interact with the most are a reflection of who you want to become and be. Of course, you can’t change everyone and make sure they don’t distract you. But you can tell them what you’re doing. Sometimes people can lose weight. That’s okay. It is often a process.
6. Schedule focus moments
A moment to breathe, to do yoga, give you the space to tune in to yourself. Breath work and yoga help you get back to your core. Your focus. Choose a fixed time to do this, so that you also experience more rest throughout your week. If you are not yet very familiar with this, start with 1 lesson per week with a teacher. Then you will expand it according to experience. This is also a process. The more often you do it. The more practiced you become.
Want to know more how I can support you in redesigning your life towards your core values and stop procrastination? How to create balance in your personal and business life? Schedule a 1:1 session, and we discuss what your desires are and how you can work towards them.