The super full moon of August 31 is in Aquarius according to Vedic Astrology. This differs from Western Astrology where it is all about Pisces. In this blog you can read more about the power of this full moon, the influence of Vedic Astrology. And how best to deal with the energy of this full moon.
The Black Madonna in France
The black Madonna has been given the name black because the statues and works of art of the black Madonna are made of wood that has aged, or it is painted in that color. You often see that the Madonna also wears clothes or veils made of lace in the artwork. In this blog, you can read more about the Black Madonna in France and its Spiritual meaning.
How to use a yoni egg in 7 steps
How to use a yoni egg in 7 steps. A yoni egg helps you to connect with the pelvis, yoni and your uterus. It helps to release emotions and sink deeper into your body. There are different ways to practice with a yoni egg. Read more about yoni egg exercises here.
How my Choco Bliss Experience Grounded me Deeper
After a fairly long period in which my child’s wish remained unfulfilled and the lockdowns that caused monotonous days, I came into contact with Choco Bliss. It made me curious because I felt that somewhere I wanted to ground even deeper and find answers within myself about my unfulfilled wish. In this article I share my story and choco bliss experience. In which during my Choco Bliss journey I was able to ground myself deeper, find answers about my unfulfilled child wish and how this gave room for deep grounding and a journey to a fulfilled child wish.
Feminine versus masculine energy
We are reading more and more about it. Feminine versus masculine energy. Society is out of balance because people live too much in the masculine energy. Women have been oppressed for thousands of years and are trying to get a voice again. But what does it really mean? What is Feminine? And what is masculine? You can read more about it in this blog.
Ground yourself during the new moon in Aquarius in January 2023
The moon will shift to the first new moon phase of this year on January 21, 2023, at 9:53 PM. New Moon in Aquarius. The new moon phase is the period when you can turn inward and feel what you want to manifest for yourself in the coming time. This year. What is your focus? What do you want to make room for? In this blog you can read all about the energy of the new moon in January and what you can do to give space to your intentions.
Ceremonial cocoa during pregnancy
Are you pregnant and wondering if it is safe to drink and eat ceremonial cocoa during your pregnancy? Nowadays, many advices are given about what you can and cannot eat during pregnancy. You can safely consume raw cocoa during your pregnancy. Not too much. But this is the advice for all kind of food. For ceremonial cacao, I always advise keeping it special for a ceremony. You can read more about it in this blog.
Stimulate feminine power with those books
In recent years, I have started to delve into female power. Feminine Energy. How we live as women and how we can become more empowered […]