Goddess Durga: The Divine Feminine Power

In Hindu mythology, Goddess Durga is revered as a powerful and divine force representing the feminine energy and strength. She is worshipped as the supreme deity and is believed to be an embodiment of Shakti, the goddess of power. Durga is often depicted as a warrior goddess who vanquishes evil forces and promotes righteousness and prosperity. Let’s delve deeper into the significance and symbolism of this majestic goddess.

Moon Sign explained in Vedic Astrology

Astrology has been practiced for centuries by cultures around the world, providing insights into various aspects of life. In Vedic Astrology, the Moon holds a special significance as it represents our emotional state, mind, and subconscious. The Moon sign, as determined by the position of the Moon at the time of your birth, reveals valuable information about your personality, emotions, and how you relate to others. Let’s delve deeper into understanding the Moon Sign and its importance in Vedic Astrology.

The power of Yin Yoga, Rolfing and Breathwork for deep relaxation and healing

In our busy and demanding world, it is sometimes difficult to take the time to relax and recover. Fortunately, there are several methods that can help create inner peace. And promoting physical, mental and emotional well-being. In this blog we will talk about the power of Yin Yoga, Rolfing and Breathwork. And how they can work together to achieve deep relaxation and healing.