Which portal days are there?

Discover the magic of the Portal Days in 2023. The Portal Days are part of a fascinating phenomenon that occurs periodically in the universe. These are days when the energetic vibrations on Earth open in a special way, allowing a powerful stream of universal energy to pass through. In 2023 there will be a number of these portal days again to look forward to!

Lion Gate on August 8

Every year it is Lion’s Gate on August 8. One of the most important gate days. The Lion’s Gate is seen as a period of transition and transformation. A period in which the energy of change and transformation can be felt by intuitive people and light workers. In this blog, you can read what this portal day entails and what it can mean for you.

Full moon in Leo on February 5, 2023

The full moon is in Leo on February 5. Time to follow your heart and also a good moment to reflect on the successes you have achieved in this lunar cycle. By standing still in gratitude, you will experience more and more appreciation in life. Full moon is a perfect time for this. At the same time you can also feel in silence with yourself what you want to let go of. What no longer resonates? What have you successfully completed? Take the space to reflect on this.

Ground yourself during the new moon in Aquarius in January 2023

The moon will shift to the first new moon phase of this year on January 21, 2023, at 9:53 PM. New Moon in Aquarius. The new moon phase is the period when you can turn inward and feel what you want to manifest for yourself in the coming time. This year. What is your focus? What do you want to make room for? In this blog you can read all about the energy of the new moon in January and what you can do to give space to your intentions.

Winter solstice December 21: the shortest day

December 21 is the shortest day of the year. Also called the winter solstice. From this day on it slowly gets lighter again and the days get longer. During the winter solstice, the sun is at the northernmost or southernmost position of the earth. The winter solstice is a day on which various rituals are held to welcome the light into the darkness. In this blog, you can read more about this day and what you can do during this day.

Benefits and where to buy ceremonial cocoa?

Ceremonial cocoa or raw is increasingly used during ceremonies and rituals. As a connecting factor. To open the heart. Get closer to yourself. But in addition to this spiritual interpretation, raw cocoa also has many health benefits and can easily be used in daily life. For example, it contains many positive substances for the brain. Magnesium which helps the body to relax. And a number of other interesting health benefits. In this blog you can read more about the benefits and where to buy ceremonial cocoa.