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Blog Body Mind Woman Yoga

How my Choco Bliss Experience Grounded me Deeper

After a fairly long period in which my child’s wish remained unfulfilled and the lockdowns that caused monotonous days, I came into contact with Choco Bliss. It made me curious because I felt that somewhere I wanted to ground even deeper and find answers within myself about my unfulfilled wish. In this article I share my story and choco bliss experience. In which during my Choco Bliss journey I was able to ground myself deeper, find answers about my unfulfilled child wish and how this gave room for deep grounding and a journey to a fulfilled child wish.

Blog Mind Travel Yoga

The power of silence: go on a silent retreat in the South of France

We live in a world full of noise, distractions and constant stimuli. It can sometimes be a challenge to take the time for a moment of silence and inner peace. A silent retreat in the South of France offers a unique opportunity to escape the hustle and bustle of everyday life and immerse yourself in an oasis of silence. Here are some of the benefits of attending a silent retreat in the South of France.

Blog Body Mind Natural elements Yoga

5 elements in balance with the earth element

Chinese Medicine is connected to a circle of Elements: Water, Wood, Fire, Earth and Metal. Different emotions are associated with these elements. These emotions are again connected to organs. The organs affect physical and emotional balance. You can practice Yin Yoga, Breathwork and Meditation as a tool to balance the 5 elements. In this article you can read about the earth element and how it is connected to the 5 elements in balance, organs, emotions and patterns.

Blog Body Breath Mind rituals

Full moon in Leo on February 5, 2023

The full moon is in Leo on February 5. Time to follow your heart and also a good moment to reflect on the successes you have achieved in this lunar cycle. By standing still in gratitude, you will experience more and more appreciation in life. Full moon is a perfect time for this. At the same time you can also feel in silence with yourself what you want to let go of. What no longer resonates? What have you successfully completed? Take the space to reflect on this.

Blog Body Mind Woman

Ceremonial cocoa during pregnancy

Are you pregnant and wondering if it is safe to drink and eat ceremonial cocoa during your pregnancy? Nowadays, many advices are given about what you can and cannot eat during pregnancy. You can safely consume raw cocoa during your pregnancy. Not too much. But this is the advice for all kind of food. For ceremonial cacao, I always advise keeping it special for a ceremony. You can read more about it in this blog.

Blog Body Breath Mind Natural elements

Transition to autumn and metal season

Chinese medicine works according to the cycle of the natural elements. The elements wood, fire, earth, metal and water are central to the seasons in the year. Each of them affects our organs, emotions and patterns. When the fall starts, we flow into the metal element. The season of letting go. In this blog, you can read more about the metal season and how you can transition with balance in this element.

Blog Body Breath Mind

Breathing exercise to stimulate the vagus nerve

The vagus nerve is the largest nerve in the body. Also called the 10th cranial nerve. This helps the body understand when it is safe to put your body and nervous system into resting mode. Breathing exercises can help stimulate the vagus nerve. This puts your body in rest mode. In this blog, you will read more about a breathing exercise that stimulates the vagus nerve.

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