The power of your own breathing rhythm

Every human has a unique breathing rhythm. This is linked to the person you are. From the rhythm you have. This is also the reason why many people suffer from hyperventilation, panic attacks and a disturbed breathing rhythm. When you try to sail along to the rhythm of someone else, have to perform under pressure or due to trauma, your breathing rhythm gets upset. When this happens on a regular basis or when you get stuck in it, your body gets used to this and you get into a vicious circle. In this blog I will tell you more about the power of your natural breathing rhythm and why it is so important to reconnect with your own breathing rhythm.

Water element (tcm) & feminine energy

Chinese Medicine (TCM) explains mental and physical balance through the circle of natural elements, emotions and the organs. The elements we reflect on are Water, Wood, Fire, Earth and Metal. Our emotions and organs are connected to these elements. The elements of nature have an impact on our emotions and bodies. It is our journey to surrender to the natural cycle of life to stay connected with our true self and balance our emotions.

7 ways to practice self-love & nourishing yourself

Self-love is about going deeply inwards and loving yourself just the way you are. It has to do with self-esteem, in other words: do you believe you are good the way you are? What thoughts do you have about yourself? Can you say that you love yourself and therefore take good care of yourself? In this blog I will share some activities you can do to nourish yourself and look deeply inside.

Super New Moon in Capricorn on January 2, 2022

A new year. A clean slate. The moon will shift to its new moon phase on January 2, 2022 at 7:35 PM. This new moon is a Super New Moon. The new moon phase is the period in which you can turn inward and feel what you want to manifest for yourself in the near future. This year is all about Love and Selfcare. What do you want to make space for? In this blog you can read all about the energy of the new moon in Capricorn and what you can do to give space to your intentions.

Follow your own breathing rhythm

After doing several yoga teacher trainings, movement therapy trainings and breathing courses I realized that it is all bringing us back to our own breathing rhythm. Movement. Breathing. Releasing. The rhythm that I was searching for years. When I was younger. In my revalidation period after my car accident and nowadays still in all the information, activities and exercises that is coming to us. The most important thing is connecting with who you really are. With your emotions. With your feelings. With your core values. Connecting with your own breathing rhythm and keep following this rhythm.