Full Moon in Libra on the 16th of April 2022

Each month the moon shifts to her full moon phase. In April, this will happen on April 16 at 8:57 PM. Full moon is often a period when people sleep worse, feel more restless and are more emotional. This is because the moon, like the oceans, also influences us as humans. We also consist of more than 70% water. In this blog I will tell you more about the full moon in Libra. What this period means and how you can get through this period well.

Heart Opening Practices

The heart knows the way. When we take time to breathe consciously through the heart and let this land into the pelvis. We are arriving home within ourselves. Letting go of the ego mind and landing into your heart space supports you to live your life fully from a Heart Centered Space. In this article I will share several practices to open your heart & ground it deeply within yourself.

April 1, New Moon in Aries

s a time when you are allowed to turn inwards to feel and observe which direction you want to go in the coming lunar cycle. A period of contemplation, reflection and feeling. The New Moon in Aries is a time when your temperament can come out. Try to soften this. To go into feeling so that you can choose from your intuition. In this blog you can read more about the energy of the New Moon in Aries around April 1.

New Moon in Pisces on 2 March 2022

On March 2, the new moon shifts to the water sign of Pisces. Pisces are dreamers. It’s the perfect time to turn inward and connect with the bigger picture. What’s going on around you? How do you want to be part of this? It is a period in which you can face your fears and take new steps from there. Turn your fear into strength. That brings you magic in life.

Full Moon in Leo 16 February 2022

On February 16, the full moon will be in Leo at 5:56 PM. A good moment to reflect on the successes you have achieved in this lunar cycle. By standing still in gratitude, you will experience more and more appreciation in life. Full moon is a perfect time for this. At the same time, you can also silently feel within yourself what you want to let go of. What no longer resonates? What have you successfully completed? To do this, take the space to reflect.

New Moon in Aquarius February 1, 2022

On February 1, at 6:49:10 AM exactly, it will be the New Moon in Aquarius. The moon is then 370,202 km away from Earth. New Moon is the phase in the cycle in which we can silently feel what the course will be for the coming moon phase. We will not act yet. It is precisely the invitation to turn in silence. To meditate. Practicing breathwork or yoga. In this blog you can read more about the meaning of New Moon in Aquarius and what you can do to give space to your intentions.

Pelvic release

Pelvic release is what brings us back to our roots. Our base. Feeling deeply. Home within ourselves. The 1st Chakra. Root. Muladhara is all about Grounding. It’s my home. Always with me. Always inside me. Always able to sink back into my center. My home.

18 January Full Moon in Cancer

The full moon is in Cancer on January 18. Cancer is a water sign which stands for homely atmosphere, motherhood, sisterhood, emotional balance. Feeling acceptance in all that is. That cancer is in the full moon in winter. This brings us back to our own essence. Winter represents the water element. Yin energy and feminine soft power. During this period you can take space for yourself in gentleness. Practicing self-care and self-love. In this blog I tell you more about rituals that you can apply to arrive in your soft power.

Womb wisdom supports to ground within

Womb wisdom is a powerful way of healing. Healing trauma’s from the past that we carry with us from before being birthed by our mothers. Did you know that you was already there when your mother was carried in the womb of her mother? From this perspective we can carry trauma’s from the women’s line. From our grandmothers our mothers. In this blog I will explain a little bit more about womb wisdom.

3 ways to increase your creativity and flow

When you get stuck in your mind and can no longer come up with creative ideas, it is important that you take the space to come to yourself. Creativity comes from within. If you do not take the space to feel what value you possess, it will not find a way out. A creative process takes time. Give yourself this time too. Considering your own health, you often get more done than just going on the express train. In this blog I will share 3 ways to increase your creativity.