Discover your inner fire through your core values

Summer is a great time to rediscover your inner fire. In summer, the fire element takes center stage. This is connected to passion, feeling connected to the people around you or just rediscovering them. Having a clear understanding of your core values ​​supports you in this. You can read more about it in this blog.

Cleanse your womb energetically

The womb is a place in which women unconsciously and consciously store emotions. It is a place of creation and birth of life. But various events in life can cause imbalance in the womb. Think of sexual contact without love, abuse, contraception, trauma, etc. You can energetically cleanse your womb with various exercises. Read more about it in this blog.

Pain in the body is a messenger to listen to

Do you recognize this? You experience pain in your body and do take paracetamol or medicines to suppress the pain. But what happens when you start listening to the pain? Pain is a messenger that helps you treat your body more lovingly. In this blog I tell more about trauma and pain in the body and how you can heal this.

Full super moon in Sagittarius on June 14, 2022

On June 14, at 1:51 PM, the moon will shift back to full. A full supermoon. Also called a Strawberry Full Super Moon. This full moon is about awakening your greatness. Your potential. And actually seeing it. The supermoon is visible and closer to Earth. You too can make visible what your qualities are. This can cause tension. But know that this will also give you strength. You can show yourself as you are. Without layers. Your pure essence.

New Moon in Gemini on May 30, 2022

Every lunar cycle starts with a new moon. On May 30, 2022, it will be a new moon in Gemini at 1:30 PM. New moon is the period when it is best to turn inward to feel what intentions you want to set for this new moon cycle. No action yet. But feeling and let it come to you which desires you have and which space you want to create to express this. No action yet. But really consciously turning inwards and feeling. In this blog you can read more about the energy of this new moon in gemini and which rituals you can best do for this.

Full Blood Moon in Scorpio on May 16

On May 16, the moon will shift to its full moon phase in scorpion at 6:15AM. Also known as the blood moon, this full moon coincides with a total lunar eclipse. Full moon in scorpio is a deeply felt full moon. A period of transformation and facing your shadow sides. So you can create space for lightness. Because this full moon falls during a full blood moon and lunar eclipse, this full moon is extra powerful.

Full Moon in Libra on the 16th of April 2022

Each month the moon shifts to her full moon phase. In April, this will happen on April 16 at 8:57 PM. Full moon is often a period when people sleep worse, feel more restless and are more emotional. This is because the moon, like the oceans, also influences us as humans. We also consist of more than 70% water. In this blog I will tell you more about the full moon in Libra. What this period means and how you can get through this period well.